The World's Largest Database of Woodworking Plans - Ted's Woodworking Plans

Learn From Ted McGrath's Extensive Collection of Woodworking Plans

Teds Woodworking Plans.
  • 16,000 Woodworking Plans
  • Detailed Step By Step Instructions with Photos
  • Shows Materials and Cutting Lists
  • Sharp, Colorful and Detailed Schematics
  • View Plans From All Angles
  • Lifetime Members Area with Woodworking Videos

Product Name:
Ted's Woodworking
Product Type:
16000 Woodworking Project Plans
Product Price:
Full Package: $297 Sale Price $67
Quick Synopsis:

Tedswoodworking has fast become the most popular woodworking package on the market today. Whether you are just starting out in woodworking or you are a seasoned carpenter you will find out just how simple it is to build projects using TedsWoodworking step-by-step plans. Ted McGrath is a professional woodworker, educator and AWI member and he has prepared a massive collection of more than 16,000 woodworking projects and blueprints which you can easily follow to build your own home furniture, sheds, dog houses, garden chairs, bird feeders and many more items.

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Each and every one of the thousands of woodworking plans and projects that are available in Ted's Woodworking Product are so well written that even if you have never tried Woodworking projects before, or if you have 2 left hands, you will find woodworking a breeze. The simple "hold-you-by-your-hand" instructions allow you to complete woodworking projcts in a small fraction of the time it would normally take you without this kind of detailed guidance.

You will have an enormous feeling of accomplishment and pride from making your own side tables, chairs, work benches, sheds and so much more.

Types Of Projects You Can Build

You will be able to start building anything from small crafts to large furniture as well as all your outdoor project desires.

It would take much too long to provide a list here of all the plans that you will have access too, but here are just a few:.


Step By Step Detailed Plans

You will be able to complete projects much faster than it currently takes you because of these quick and simple hold-you-by-the-hand instructions.

With sharp and colorful schematics included in each plan, there is simply no guestwork involved.

When you have instructions this clear, all the pieces just "Click" into place.

Teds Woodworking Detail of Plans.


What All Do You Get For Such A Small Price?

Teds Woodworking Whats in the Package.

Teds Woodworking Project Plans.

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