


Learn From Others


From the time we are born until we leave this earth we have huge opportunities to learn how to make our life easier, safer and happier.

Learning is a life long process for everyone. From moment of birth to death we learn ways to live on this earth. Teaching begins with our parents, with how to walk, how to talk, potty training, how to dress ourselves, and so on. Then we progress to pre-school, kindergarden, grammer school, middle school, high school and then off to college. We learn to read so we can take advantage of a wealth of education available to us that we can use on our own all our life.

We get a job and someone teaches us how to learn a certain skill. We read how to books and learn how to build things, how to cure health problems, how to make money in other ways than just our job, how to invest that money wisely, how to protect ourselves from the ravages of bad weather and just on and on. Learning is a never ending process.

Sometimes we don't get solutions to our problems from doctors. Then we have to look for some alternative remedies. So we go searching for solutions from other people's experiences. Because you are focused on you or your loved one you are willing to put in the time and money to search for a remedy to your problem.


Sometimes we don't learn how to make a relationship a lasting and loving experience because our immediate parents or friends have not been successful either. So, you have to reach out to learning from others via books or videos.


Then there are other times that we want to learn how to make more money than a traditional job will pay you. While growing up you were probably taught to get out of school and get a job. But, when you do you soon learn that giving your time for an hour's pay is just not going to hack it with providing the money that you want in your life. Plus, the 9 to 5 job and then some is not giving you the freedom of time to enjoy your life. So, you turn to mentors to teach you how to do what wealthy people are doing, so you can be wealthy also.


Here at Imoon Place we want to share with you some educational opportunities to help you solve your problems, be they money, health, relationships, etc. so that you can enjoy living life and doing the things you want to do.



John Crestani's Super Affiliate System.

John Crestani's Super Affiliate System

Learn from John Crestani who has built a successful online income that allows him to spend more time with the people who matter to him and pursue his favorite hobbies like traveling.

Click Here To See If This Will Work For You

Teds Woodwork Project Plans Package.

Teds Woodworking Project Plans

16000 Woodworking Plans with step-by-step instructions and videos.

Check Out These Best In Woodworking Plans Here

Why Men Pull Away From Women They Love.

Why Men Pull Away

From Women They Love. Most Women are Blindsized when there Man Ask for a Divorce. Don't be one of them.

Learn How To Know When A Man Is Pulling Away

Free PDF - Learn how to make money online.

Free PDF - How To Make Money Online

If you ar not making any money with what you are doing online or, you don't have a clue how to begin making money online then this Free, no strings attached, training is for you. Online traning on how to make money online is in PDF format and free for you to download.

Click Here To Get Your Free PDF How To Make Money Online Get Started Guide

Train Your Dog Yourself At Home.

Brain Training 4 Dogs

Eliminate your dogs bad behaviors with these training instructions. Train your dog at home yourself to be a well behaved, obedient, loving pet.

Check Out This Best Dog Training Course Here

Key Features To Look For In Folding Camp Chairs.

Key Features In Folding Camping Chairs

Review these key features to look for in a good folding camp chair before you buy. You will need the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this PDF.

Review These Key Folding Camp Chair Features Before You Buy


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